Rugby Focus

Pangea sports presents our High performance rugby programme for pupils in Year 5-9. Delivered by Level 2 and 3 RFU qualified coaches, this camp provides a comprehensive programme for athletes who want to get ready for the upcoming rugby season. Below is an example programme that each athlete will follow over the three days of the course. The RFU protocols means this will be a non-contact camp but there will still be focus on contact technique, body positioning, handling, game play/management, positional analysis, fitness, agility, kicking and attack/defence systems. There will also be video analysis, pool sessions and live streamed games.   

  • Wednesday

    Warm up/evasion games

    Handling skills

    Tackle technique

    Defensive systems

    Pool session

    Conditioned game

  • Thursday

    Warm up/evasion games

    Positional understanding


    Attacking play

    Video analysis

    Live streamed conditioned game

  • Friday

    Warm up/evasion games


    Pool session

    Live streamed Tag Tournament

    Review of programme

    Awards ceremony

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Football Focus

Hockey Focus